Jesus Continued With Gods Plan for Him and He Continued to

Do you trust God? A better question is "Do you trust the will of God or the plan God has for your life?"  The truth is, I trust my plans and my will, but God's will and God's plans seem scary. Can you relate? How do you trust God's plans when they throw you into the craziest situations?  Today, in our 40-day fast to be still and know God, we will see a perfect example of trusting the will of God – Jesus.

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Jesus knew God's will for His life because Jesus spent time with God. Can we say the same? Click To Tweet

Can We Trust The Will Of God?

"And He got up and [sternly] rebuked the wind and said to the sea, "Hush, be still (muzzled)!" And the wind died down [as if it had grown weary] and there was [at once] a great calm [a perfect peacefulness]." (Mark 4:39 AMP)

Looking at the Context of Mark 4:39 there is so much we could discuss in this passage right?!?!?  It is ripe with lessons on the power of God, the prophecy of the Messiah, and the faith of the disciples, but for time's sake, we will limit our study to trusting the will of God by following the example of Jesus.

Our Text takes place after a time of intense ministry.  Jesus had spent time teaching wherever people were and people were following Him.  Honestly, they almost overtook him just to hear what God would speak and I can't blame them.

Jesus is the ultimate example of why we can trust the will of God!  He lived it out and just as they followed Him to hear what He would say, we can follow Him and hear what He has to say!

Jesus Trusted The Will of God

What we see all throughout the life of Jesus is that He trusted God.  He knew God, spent time talking to Him, and followed wherever God led Him. God birthed Him into a life of scandal, Jesus trusted Him.  He lived in poverty, still, He trusted God.  God sent Him into the hardest situations to love the most challenging people, Jesus still trusted the will of God!  Today's text is no different!

Things To Know About Mark 4:

  • After teaching all day Jesus wants to go across the Sea of Galilee.
  • More than likely this was not long after Jesus had called the 12 disciples.
  • The Sea of Galilee is known for squalls that destroy boats and take lives.
  • Many of the disciples are former fishermen who know when a storm is serious or not.

Faith and Trust Go Hand In Hand

Mark 4:35-41 is one of my favorite bible stories about faith and trust.  Jesus was asleep while deadly waves crashed over into the boat.  This always astonishes me as sleep is hard for me, though it delights my husband who loves a good nap.

"Be more like Jesus and take naps", my husband lovingly mocks.

To understand how Jesus could nap in the midst of a real storm you have to know Jesus better.  Jesus had faith.  Faith and trust go hand in hand.

Can You Trust the Will of God Like Jesus, What is the will of God in our lives? How do we do the will of God? What is the will of the Father in Matthew 7:21? Out of the will of God, What is the will of God, Will of God Scriptures, The will of God quotes, The will of God will never take you, The will of God will never lead me where, Trust God #TrustGod #HopeJoyInChrist

What Is God's Will In Our Lives?

There are two types of God's will.

  1. God's divine will for all people.
  2. God's specific will for individuals.

The Bible gives us several specific pieces of the will of God that apply to every person's life.

""Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." (Matthew 22:36-40 NASB)

The Bible tells us God's will is for us to love God, obey Him, love others and make disciples.  That is overly simplistic but true.

Related Post: Love the Lord Your God with All Your Mind – Phillipians 4:8

What Is The will Of The Father in Matthew 7:21?

This is a question I have gotten a lot and I want to pause as we look at Jesus' example of trusting the will of God to answer this question.  While we know parts of God's will apply to everyone, we also know God has a specific will for each of our lives (Jeremiah 29:11).

So what do you do with this verse?

"Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter." (Matthew 7:21 NASB)

Some people believe Matthew 7:21 means you can lose your salvation because you somehow missed the will of God.  They spend countless hours asking what is God's will for me and miss God's divine will for us all.

This verse is referring to those who have been in church, played a church game.  They spend a lifetime trying to earn salvation while never truly accepting God's gift of grace through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ as the payment for their salvation.

Once you have admitted you're a sinner and asked Jesus to be the Lord of your life you are saved.  This is the will of God that you believe.  Salvation through grace.

Unfortunately many are trying to work hard enough to earn God's love and they miss that it is a free gift they only have to receive.  On that day they will be disappointed to find no one can earn salvation… not even them.

God's Specific Will for Your Life

So while there is a general will of God – salvation, obedience, and love – there is also a specific will of God for each of our lives. How do you know what God's will is for your life specifically?

You have to spend time with God to know God's will.

  • Read the Bible
  • Pray
  • Fast

How to know the will of God?

Spend time face to face asking God to reveal His plan for your life.  The Bible tells us God has a plan for our lives.  It also tells us we can ask God for wisdom and He will answer.

Jesus knew God's will for His life.  He walked in God's will daily.  We see examples of Jesus in the Temple, getting away alone to pray, spending time fasting to seek God's Will.  Jesus turned down opportunities because He knew they were not part of God's Plan for His life.

Not only did Jesus know the will of God, but Jesus also trusted the will of God for His life.

How Do We Do The Will of God?

Jesus knew God's will.  Because He knew what He knew, He could trust God no matter what situation he faced.

Jesus could rest in that boat, in the midst of the storms of life (an actual storm no less) because He trusted God.  Honestly, Jesus knew He was not going to die in a storm and the disciples didn't have a clue.

We see in Jesus the trust that even if God wanted to take His life in that storm He trusted God.  Jesus was okay with whatever God's will was for His life.

Maybe you've heard it says, "The will of God will never take you where the hand of God can not protect you."  That's the kind of trust Jesus had.

What Does It Mean To Be In God's Will?

For years I asked that question.

"How do you know if you are really walking in God's will?"

"What if I missed something and this is the wrong path?"

"Can you get out of the will of God?"

The reality is, I just didn't trust God and what He might allow in my life.  I wanted an out from the hard parts of this Christian Life because I believed they showed how much I had failed at Christianity.

Being in God's will does not guarantee a comfortable life.

Have you ever heard of these?  They are some of my least favorite Trusting God quotes or statements:

"Trust in God.  Just trust Jesus and everything will come out all right in the end."

"If your faith were bigger you would not struggle with anxiety."

"Trust God and give up the sin that has caused these hard seasons."

The Christian Life Is Not Always Comfortable

But Y'all, have you ever really looked at Jesus' life?

  • Jesus suffered but never sinned.
  • Jesus was persecuted and lived a homeless vagabond yet obviously had faith.
  • His life did not end "all right", as He was beaten and crucified for the sins of the whole world.

A pain-free comfortable life awaits any who accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, have enough faith, trust God enough, and somehow live without sin' is a lie from the pits of Hell.

Trusting God in all circumstances does not lead to a comfortable life.

Just pause and Google one of these

  • Bible verses about trusting God's plan
  • God has a plan for your life Bible verse
  • Bible verses about God's plan for us
  • What is the will of God scripture

Do any of those verses make promises of prosperity, happiness, or comfort?  Don't worry, I'll wait while you go check.

Not there right?!?!?   Trusting God's will does not ensure a happy comfortable life and yet, Jesus trusted God.

Jesus came to Earth knowing that life would be hard.  He came with an eternal perspective.  Life is short and hard, but eternity is worth the struggle.

Do You Live With An Eternal Perspective?

To be still like Jesus is to trust the will of God for your life because you live with an eternal perspective. My perspective is earthly on most days.

I want to know how to know God's will in marriage and parenting and finances and friendships because those areas are tough.  Does that mean I am not fully trusting God with those areas?

Related: 14 Characteristics of a Godly Wife That Will Save Your Marriage

Do You Have Trust Issues?

Honestly, I wish I knew how to trust God completely.  What I know is trusting God day by day is about believing and living out Proverbs 3:5-6

"Trust in and rely confidently on theLord with all your heart
And do not rely on your own insightor understanding." (Proverbs 3:5-6 AMP)

Jesus knew scripture.  He quoted right here so I know he memorized it.

Trusting God is about praying, you can even pray to trust God more, to know God's will, and walk in it.

If God allows hard things into my life I need to trust Him, not trusting God will only steal my peace.

Related: How to Hear from God when You Don't Know What to Do

A Prayer to Trust the Will of God


I want to be like You.  I hear you say, over and over again, "Be still, quit striving or fighting God about the hard parts of life".  But, Jesus, that's so hard.  I don't understand and I really want to understand.  We've been in this place of wrestling over and over again.

Forgive me for taking back control of my life.

I surrender this life to you… today…  Allow whatever brings You glory.  Remind me to be still and not complain but pray.  Teach me to trust you as the real storms crash over me.  Shine Your light brightly through me in the midst of the hard season.  Help me take the joy of the Lord up and be a reflection of You whether life is easy or hard.


Will You Trust The Will of God Like Jesus?

When I begin to wonder, "What is God's will for me" He reminds me I am already walking in it.  There was a day, many years ago, when I said yes to His call.  I surrendered control of my life to Him and invited Him to be my God.

Have you accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior?  That's the first step in walking in God's will.

Are you wondering about God's plan for your life?  If you have already trusted Him, spend time getting to know Him.

He will speak to You directly through reading the Bible and time in prayer.  God has a plan for your life that He promises if for good.  You can trust Him with the hard things.

  • Marriage
  • Parenting
  • Finances
  • Friendships
  • Jobs

God has your back.  Ask Him to show you the way and trust that His way is best even if it doesn't make all that much sense!

Will you trust the will of God like Jesus?  Rest in the storms knowing He is in control.

in HIM,

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