You Got a Funny Weiner Man but I Like You

The Horse and the Chicken

One day the horse and the chicken were walking along the road near the farm, merrily chatting away. Suddenly, the horse fell into a muddy hole and couldn't get out.

"Help help Chicken! I've fallen and I can't get out of this hole!", the Horse yelled. "Don't worry," said the chicken. "I'll just get the farmer's BMW and pull you out!"

The chicken did this, and all was well. The following day, without thinking the chicken fell into the same hole.

"Help help Horse! I've fallen into this hole and I can't get out!"

The horse smiled and said, "Don't worry Chicken. Just grab a hold of my weiner!"


"Well, when you're hung like a horse, you don't need BMWs to pick up chicks."

What is the difference between a gay man and a hot dog?

One is an oscar meyer weiner, the other admires oscar's weinner

"Now little ones, where do children go when they do bad things...?", Mrs Mary asked.

"I know! I know!", Little Johnny said with vigour, " they go behind the bushes in the playground!"

"Please little Johnny, mind what you say"

"Oh its true Mrs Mary!", voiced Susan enthusiastically, "T.J took me there and showed me his Weiner."

The teacher gasped in horror as T.J smiled mischievously.

"Oh, it was like a peanut it was!"

"Hah, so it was tiny?", the teacher relieved, asked.

"No, salty!"

Weiner joke, "Now little ones, where do children go when they do bad things...?", Mrs Mary asked.

How does Anthony Weiner like his meat?


Why did the cowboy adopt a weiner dog?

He wanted to git a long little doggy.

I went to a weiner emporium today...

I never sausage a sight!

A Pitbull and Weiner dog get into a fight.

Weiner dog rips the Pitbull into shreds. Terrified Pitbull owner says: - what kind of a dog is this? - how much did you pay for it? The Weiner owner says: -well, I paid $100 for a crocodile and $10000 for the plastic surgery.

Weiner joke, A Pitbull and Weiner dog get into a fight.

At a gag gift exchange, I gave a woman a hotdog and a condom

She said "Frankly, I never sausage a small weiner."

Maybe it was a mistake to keep forgiving Anthony Weiner...

But hey, she's only Huma.

Hillary's team is really going all out to get the LGBTQ vote...

They've even convinced Huma to get rid of her Weiner.

So the FBI is reopening their investigation due to emails found on computers at Anthony Weiner's house.

If these emails bring Hillary down, it'll be the first time she's been screwed by a Weiner in years.

You can explore weiner schlong reddit one liners, including funnies and gags. Read them and you will understand what jokes are funny? Those of you who have teens can tell them clean weiner wurst dad jokes. There are also weiner puns for kids, 5 year olds, boys and girls.

Thank you Carlos Danger

Your Weiner has saved the free world.

What's the difference between a republican and a democrat?

How much damage can their Weiner make...

This election was supposed to be about vaginas.

But once again, a Weiner has to pop up and screw the plan.

If this Hillary case blows up...

It will be the second time a weiner has ruined the presidency for a Clinton

What do you call a female roach with a weiner?

A transpestite.

Weiner joke, What do you call a female roach with a weiner?

Do you know what's the difference between gays and fridges?

Fridge doesn't fart when you take out the weiner

I just heard Michael Jackson died from food poisoning...

he choked on a 9-year old weiner.

Why was the daschund owner sad?

Because he has a tiny weiner.

Looks like Anthony Weiner is joining One Direction!

The band has been renamed to One Erection.

How do you make a weiner go soft but simultaneously make it experience hard times?

Sentence it to 21 months in prison.

Bill Cosby, Anthony Weiner and Harvey Weinstein walk into a bar

Harvey says, "Hey Bill, buy me a drink!"
Bill shouts back, "I don't know what role you're trying to offer me, but let's not involve Weiner..."

My gay friend decided he wanted to quit being gay...

So he bought himself a pack of nicorette patches and he puts them on his weiner. It's working pretty well, he's down to two butts a day.

Another sexual assault allegation against

Pee-wee Herman, he apparently sexually assaulted Anthony Weiner in a movie theater.

I'm struggling to quit my masturbation addiction

On one hand, there is my wife that I care about who is worried about me wasting time and being unmotivated

On the other hand, there is my weiner.

Jimmy Neutron (Split Personalities)

Jimmy Electron, Jimmy Proton and Carl Weiner

What does a weiner and a Rubix Cube have in common?

The more you play with it, the harder it gets.

I told my girlfriend that my weiner is like a computer

She said "is it because its like a hard drive and is made of metal"

Wait till she finds out its more like "" microsoft and has a lot of viruses""

Why did the cowboy buy a weiner dog

Cause somebody told him to get a long lil doggy

Initials reports are in on how Michael Jackson died....

He got food poisoning from eating a 9 year old weiner

My weiner dog gave me the cold shoulder for months before it finally started to show a little warmth and love.

I guess that's what the breeder meant when he said she was a daschshundere.

A priest has a weiner dog which he loves.

One day when he woke up to feed him, the priest didn't find him. So he asked the local residents to come so he can ask about his dog.
He asked them:

"Does anybody have a weiner?"

So all the men stood up,

"No no that's not what I meant, has anyone seen a weiner?"

So all the women stood up

"Oh my god that's not what I meant.... Has anyone seen someone else's weiner"

Half of the women stood up

"For god's sake has someone seen my weiner?"

All the children stood up.

A weiner is talking to his girlfriend...

She says, "Why is it that when we're around my friends you say you're a sausage, and around your friends you act like a hot dog?"

He replies, "Well, I'll have to be frank with you."

Just think that there are jokes based on truth that can bring down governments, or jokes which make girl laugh. Many of the weiner little weiner jokes and puns are jokes supposed to be funny, but some can be offensive. When jokes go too far, are mean or racist, we try to silence them and it will be great if you give us feedback every time when a joke become bullying and inappropriate.

We suggest to use only working weiner small weiner piadas for adults and blagues for friends. Some of the dirty witze and dark jokes are funny, but use them with caution in real life. Try to remember funny jokes you've never heard to tell your friends and will make you laugh.


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